Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Groundhog Day

First of all I have to say that the movie Groundhog Day was a very good movie. A movie that was so much better than Bringing up Baby it's not even funny. Never in this movie did you have to contemplate killing yourself (even though Phil did) or killing one of the characters becasue they annoyed you so very much. Groundhog Day is a very good movie that shows the change one person can make in his personality and outlook on life after seeing how bad things have become. The way that Phil is shown to us as viewers at the beginnning is one of a huge jackass. As the movie goes along though, and he realizes that he is stuck in this day forever he starts to make dramatic changes. He stops being to self-centered and he starts to care about others. In the end he even seems to care so much about helping others that it consumes him in a way.
Also the acting in this movie is very good. Bill Murrey shows that he has a lot of range as an actor portraying Phil perfectly to what I would have thought of him as. These characters had some depth, even the camera guy and the actors and actresses that played them did a good job to conveying that happiness while also keeping the story going.


AJ R said...

John, great write up buddy I have seen that movie out of class and I like it a lot as well. Yes the acting is very good in this movie but i dont think it shows Bill Murrey has a lot fo range because this film fits who he is perfectily.

Anonymous said...

i really like groundhog day.. i thought it was funny too

Bla said...

I didn't watch this one in class but I saw it a few years ago. I thought it was alright. Oh and I'm glad none of the characters made you want to kill them. It's hard to enjoy movies that do.

Bobby J. said...

Johnny I agree with you for th emost part about this film. Groudhog day was agreat movie that was a romantic comedy that had some deeper meaning behind it. I agree that this movie was made by Bill Murreys acting. I felt like i knew him so well be the end. GOOD JOB JOHN